Dear SOCOTECO-I Family and our beloved MCOs,

A REFELECTION. It’s Christmas time again, and with the holidays’ season upon us, we again reflect on the year that has been. Yes, it was not a merry-go-round joyride. In fact, remembering the issues and problems we faced, it was a rough and unstable year 2019 which nobody wanted to travel again if your thoughts are focused on the weights of baggage placed on your shoulders, too tiresome to carry. It is like a suffocating feeling when you are in an ocean drowning and unable to swim, the rebelling feeling of getting out in a slowly swallowing quicksand and the frightening feeling of wanting to wake up in a nightmare – all of these and more were experiences which when you come to think of it had actually happened but above and beyond, shout out to the world because SOCOTECO-I emerged STRONG for having survive the Year 2019.

EVERYBODY IS JUST DOING THEIR BEST. Conflicts only arise when one’s best interest is inconsistent to others’. This is a living reality in all of its glorious form. Conflict in a relationship, conflict in a working environment and even conflict between organizations. Conflict happens because people are naturally created unique from each other. Their thoughts vary, their perspectives differ and so on. As a result of this conflict, people hurt each other, and the story of hate and revenge (intentional or unintentional) continues.

However, there is this word coined to counter conflict and it’s called RESPECT. We must know and realize that perhaps people have their own reasons in doing and saying things and it is better to communicate with them properly, perhaps by respecting the idea that EVERYBODY THINKS THEY ARE JUST DOING THEIR BEST and by understanding their purposes behind their words and actions will meant understanding them too as a human who also commits mistakes and sometimes consumed by false traps and tricky conversations. These few perhaps may only be just hypothetical analyses of how we perceive our situation today but may also be possible interpretations of the causes of our miscommunications and misunderstandings which if resolved will lead to a productive and healthy working environment for all.

A JOYFUL HEART. Luckily, despite and in spite the circumstances given to us which put our faith to test, people in SOCOTECO-I are proven to have been blessed with joyful hearts that overpower fear and anger. It’s like celebrating Christmas every day when you realize that everybody has this kind of mind setting. Although, Christmas meant many things to many people. But, finding the real reasons for celebrating the Yuletide Season is a must self-realization and self-discovery experience. It’s a personal encounter which is unraveled to us on our day to day adventure in this journey called life. From the petty things which take a minute of our day upto the great things which fills the core memories throughout the course our lifetime – they all mean one thing, God is everywhere and He is the reason of the season. The celebration of Christmas is a good reminder of God’s unconditional love, examples of acts of kindness and selfless sacrifices when He sent His only Son to redeem us and for that, we have no reason to hate but to continue to embrace and spread these teachings he had written to save us towards the end.

“I BELIEVE” ATTITUDE. Filipinos are best admired when it comes to his/her “I believe attitude”. We are strong-minded yet kind hearted individuals who believe in the power of positive thinking. We endure challenges by staying optimistic and keeping our faith towards each other. SOCOTECO-I as an organization continues to be victorious because of this quality. We may question each other’s differences but along the way, we conform to the idea that we are nothing but a failure, thus we believe and we unite.

THE SPIRIT OF GRATITUDE. To summarize everything, our challenges and triumphs in 2019 actually made our celebration special. They made us appreciate more our life in SOCOTECO-I because it made us stronger than ever and the feeling is amazing and fulfilling. It’s like you have been part of the greatest story ever told in the history of the Cooperative. For that, we have countless reasons to be grateful. Above all, grateful to the Almighty God for sending His heavenly wisdom to guide our thoughts, words and actions, the Holy Spirit to protect us always and His Holy Son for saving us from our sins.

We also give special thanks to the leaders of the One EC-MCO Movement which provides the 121 Electric Cooperatives their compass, thank you for your patience, wisdom and guidance. To the external partners of the Cooperative, the different government agencies, local media and others, please know that we are indebted to you for the kind support you have accorded us to implement our plans and programs successfully.

To the employees of SOCOTECO-I whose roles in this Cooperative are so significant that for without you, we will be rowing boats without oars. To the Member-Consumer-Owners of SOCOTECO-I, you are our life blood, you give us the reason to exist and we thank you for your support and hopes for more in this coming year.

Finally, the Board and Management of SOCOTECO-I send its warmest greetings of love, peace and abundance to each one not only this Christmas Season and in the coming Year 2020, but in all the days of our lives. We all deserve a holiday break. May we make good use of it!

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2020!

Yours sincerely with much love and prayers,

Board President

OIC General Manager

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