NEA on track to meet its 2018 new household connections target

The National Electrification Administration (NEA) in partnership with the 121 electric cooperatives (ECs) is making a steady progress towards meeting its target of new rural households having access to electricity for 2018.


Latest data from the NEA Information Technology and Communication Services Department (ITCSD) show an average of 44,287 new consumer connections registered for the period January to May, representing an increase of 10 percent monthly.


This brought the total number of new consumer connections to 221,434 or 48 percent of the 460,000 corporate target for the year.


Based on the NEA ITCSD status of energization report, this translates into an additional 1.030 million Filipinos in the countryside gaining access to electricity.


Overall, the level of consumer connections within the ECs’ coverage areas nationwide has reached 12.408 million.


“In our pursuit of rural development through nationwide electrification, the status of energization is the primary indicator of the government’s initiatives towards this end,” Dir. Roderick Padua, department manager of ITCSD, said.


Of the 121 ECs across the country, the Agusan del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Aneco) was identified by the NEA ITCSD as the top contributor to the new consumer connections registered from January to May with 11,177 new electrified households.


It was followed by the South Cotabato II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Socoteco II) with 5,262 new connections, the Davao del Norte Electric Cooperative (Daneco) with 5,007, the Batangas II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Batelec II) with 5,001, and the Sultan Kudarat Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Sukelco) with 4,853 households.


Other major contributor ECs were the following: Central Pangasinan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Cenpelco) with 4,624 new consumer connections, Albay Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Aleco) with 4,329, Cotabato Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Cotelco) with 4,100, Agusan del Sur Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Aselco) with 3,612, and Pangasinan III Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Panelco) III with 3,238 new connections. ###


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