State-run National Electrification Administration (NEA) has designated an officer tasked to supervise the management and operations of Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Omeco).
NEA Administrator Edgardo Masongsong issued an office order on September 4, appointing Cesar E. Faeldon as project surpervisor of Omeco, effective immediately.
“In the exigency of the service and pursuant to Sections 4 (e) and 5 of Presidential Decree No. 269 as amended, Mr. Faeldon is hereby designated as project supervisor of Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, Inc. effective immediately,” NEA Office Order No. 2018-186 stated.
As indicated in the NEA office order, Faeldon is also mandated to approve or disapprove Omeco Board resolutions in consultation with concerned departments in the state-run agency.
He is likewise authorized to sign checks, withdrawal slips, and other banking transactions, as well as perform other tasks that may be assigned for the purpose of operational efficiency.
Omeco is classified as an extra large electric cooperative and is rated C by the NEA based on the 2017 EC Overall Performance Assessment.
It has 78,539 household connections covering nine municipalities of Occidental Mindoro. Its collection efficiency and system loss stand at 95 percent and 14.36 percent, respectively, as of March 2018. ###