Leadership in a Borderless Customer Service

While I am trying to recall what and how is SOCOTECO-1 Ten (10) years ago, I had fallen into a deep thought that it is what it had become today because of the decisions and choices the leaders made years back. The biggest factor then counted is the leadership style and direction this Management had, to which at this point, I am visioning and eventually building.

When the Board gave me this one big shot challenge of my lifetime, I know I had to make a decision and the choice to live the challenge. In my Five (5) months stint as the Officer-In-Charge of this Cooperative, I had encountered various experiences which all call to challenge and among them, I believe leadership is at most tested in a borderless customer service.

SOCOTECO-1 is an electric distribution utility as registered, but little did the public know that we are operating in a borderless service. Despite its major and primary challenge of sustaining the delivery of reliable and efficient electric service to the member-consumers of the South and keeping at pace with the statutory and regulatory compliances set forth by the supervising agencies, it as well manages to serve other concerns in all walks of life beyond the boundaries of its realm and duties.

Please know that SOCOTECO-1 had been performing at its best in the previous year as proven by the various awards, Six (6) awards to be exact, received from the National Electrifiction Administration (NEA) in the recently held 2016 Lumens Awards. Albeit this recognition, we never stopped to achieve excellence in all of the aspects of our business operations. In fact, it is rewarding to note upon review that beyond these accomplishments, we were able to serve our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects and activities through the help of SOCOTECO-1 Foundation, Inc., another initiative established as social arm of the Cooperative for the benefit of the member-consumers especially the marginalized ones.

Yet, what inspired me most to work hard and serve the Cooperative and the community is the inspiring faces wearing smiles of my bosses and the employees which say we are at all times ready when and if SOCOTECO-1 receives requests for help from various individuals, institutions, agencies and many more. This meant that true enough, we shall act on them beyond mediocrity and in as much as possible, as long as we can, to act on them not only TO SATISFY BUT TO DELIGHT everyone.

Nevertheless, as a leader, my realization have come to a significant point that I conclude Leadership in a borderless service as easy, IF carry out with due diligence, clean conscience and a kind heart always willing to give.

In this month of August when we are celebrating the 39th Annual General Membership Assembly and 46th Foundation Anniversary of our valued Cooperative, it is my best hope that your prayers will pour out and support will continue to grow for the betterment of SOCOTECO-1 to spread the light and if not to fully improve, to somehow enhance the lives of South Cotabateños.

Finally, I would like to share to you this quotation which I believe shall not only apply to leaders like me but to everyone – Great leaders do not desire to lead, but to SERVE”.

More Power to SOCOTECO-1!



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