Dear SOCOTECO-I Family and our beloved MCOs,
It’s unbelievable that the end of the year is already here. Christmas for me actually marks both the end of the Year and the beginning of a new one. It is a celebration of the things that will soon become part this fruitful year and a preparation for another new year to come.
Christmas meant many things to many people. But, finding the real reasons for celebrating the Yuletide Season is a must self-realization and self-discovery experience. It’s a personal encounter which is unraveled to us on our day to day adventure in this journey called life. From the petty things which take a minute of our day upto the great things which fills the core memories throughout the course our lifetime – they all mean one thing, God is everywhere and He is the reason of the season. The celebration of Christmas is a good reminder of God’s unconditional love, examples of acts of kindness and selfless sacrifices when He sent His only Son to redeem us.
While we struggle to survive our day to day lives, it should not be an excuse for us not to take a moment and look back and reminisce the things we have done and how it added value to our humanness. Observe a red light and take a stop while you still have time to change the things you can and just accept the things you cannot and follow the green light and move on. There is still another year ahead which promises us another chance and fresh opportunities to start a new beginning. Take a look at it positively and this time, do it right and good.
I have seen the efforts of each one as we strive to sustain our stand as one among the best performing Cooperatives in the Country, recognizable everywhere and had become a model EC to others. I know it is hard to maintain what has been started and far more difficult to exceed the expectations of those who relied their trust in this Management. But, as always, we will not prevail losers and will not allow challenges and failures consume us – it is only a matter of finding the right EQUILIBRIUM. Putting everything into balance is a skill we had mastered, and it had become our advantage as compared to others.
The true spirit of a real SOCOTECO-I not only relies in its ability to cope with these stuffs, but also transcends above it. Issues on systems loss, collection efficiencies, regulatory compliances, external threats of the slowly encroaching oligarchs, stole much of our time but with our joint efforts with the Board of Directors and united stand with the other ECs nationwide, nothing will come pass without our knowing.
It is our dedication as a service-oriented Cooperative to continually be at our best and we must stand by this reputation in every little or great things we do for SOCOTECO-I to benefit our Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs). Me, on the other hand, gives equal importance to both seeing the value and giving importance in passing positive energy in the society and hence this Management strongly pushes for activities which does not only light homes but also activities that give hopes. Let us give more importance to things that keeps the people and the community together.
I give special thanks to the employees of SOCOTECO-I whose roles in this Cooperative is so significant that for without you, we will be rowing boats without oars. To the Board of Directors who provide this Cooperative its compass, thank you for your patience, wisdom and guidance.
To the MCOs of SOCOTECO-I, you are our life blood, you give us the reason to exist and we thank you for your support and hopes for more in this coming year.
Finally, I send my warmest greetings of love, peace and abundance to each one not only this Christmas Season and in the coming Year 2019 but in everyday of our lives. We all deserve a holiday break. May we make good use of it!