The National Electrification Administration (NEA) will lead the electric cooperatives (ECs) in the conduct of a nationwide line clearing and tree-planting activities on August 30 in celebration of the 10th National Electrification Awareness Month (NEAM).
Dubbed as “Golden Aim for Green,” these activities seek to highlight the importance of environment care and conservation to ensure reliable and uninterrupted electric service to end-users, including member-consumer-owners.
“These activities aim to instill the culture of environment protection among the MCOs and boost information on the importance of environment care and Conservation as a key factor in ensuring reliable sources of energy supply,” said NEA Administrator Edgardo Masongsong.
This is the second year the NEA and the ECs are holding a nationwide line clearing activity. For tree planting, the NEA and ECs yearly conduct this activity since 2012 to showcase their commitment to preserving the environment for future generations.
Administrator Masongsong, together with NEA employees, will join the workers of the Tarlac I Electric Cooperative, Inc. (TARELCO I) in their line clearing and tree planting activities at Sitio Titi Calao, Mayantoc Tarlac.
NEAM is celebrated annually every month of August pursuant to Proclamation Order No. 1743 in recognition of the significant contributions of electrification program in nation building. This year’s theme is “Fulfilling the Vision for an Empowered Nation.”
An attached agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), the NEA is mandated to carry out the total electrification of the country on an area coverage basis, with the 121 electric co-ops as the implementing arm.
Since 1969, the NEA and 121 power co-ops have successfully energized 78 provinces, 90 cities, 1,385 municipalities, 36,060 barangays, and 123,471 sitios across the country.
Based on 2015 census of 15.50 million potential households, 85 percent or 13.18 million—translating to nearly 61 million Filipinos—are enjoying the benefits of electricity as of June 30 this year. ###