We, in SOCOTECO-I, being a service-oriented and customer-focused cooperative, never cease to think of improving until our good becomes better and our better becomes best. We want our member-consumers to walk through our doors not just with a smiling face but with a happy heart. As we bring our services closer to our member-consumers, we want to bring not just satisfaction but delight.
We improved our collection centers to make it moreconducive, visually-appealing and comfortable to the member-consumers we serve.
We recently enhanced the collection centers in Tampakan, Mabini, Esperanza, Tamnag, New Iloilo and San Jose for ease and safety. We will continue to upgrade our facilities to promote a more convenient bill payment experience forour consumersThere will be challenges in many terms but we will not back down because we are committed to you, our valued consumers. We will continue to give you first-rate service until we become the best for you.